
Maryland Blind and Visually Impaired Organizations and Support Groups

The Maryland School for the Blind
3501 Taylor Avenue
Baltimore MD 21236

Private, non-profit school for children from infancy to age 21 who are blind, visually impaired, and multiplydisabled. Individualized programs and specialized services including Braille instruction, orientation and mobility (travel skills) training, occupational therapy, physical therapy, speech, music, recreation, assistive technology, job training and much more.

The Foundation Fighting Blindness
11350 McCormick
Hunt Valley, MD 21031

American Council of the Blind of Maryland
727 Joppa Farm Road
Joppa, MD 21085

a state affiliate of the American Council of the Blind, which is the nation's leading advocacy organization for blind and visually impaired people. The American Council of the Blind of Maryland is a tax-exempt charitable organization.

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